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Goals and Objectives

  • To preserve the village character in an enhanced walk-able and liveable streetscape. 
  • To obtain much needed amenities and facilities for the people of Carrigaline to enhance the quality of life in the village 
  • To conserve the Owenabue River and its associated floodplain and green belt as a Natural Linear Park within the town, extending as a continuum to the Ballea bridges westward. 
  • To preserve and enhance the many historical sites in the town, accessible by walking routes throughout the village for tourism and heritage. 
  • To re-instate a Pottery and Crafts Centre, reviving the tradition of the once famous Carrigaline Pottery. 
  • To use our primary cultural and historical sites to attract tourists to the the town, as part of an on going Tourist and Business Strategy.
  • To obtain an outer village road network and parking facilities, that support rather than congests the inner commercial and recreational heart of the town. Identify a route for a Green bus corridor or light rail. 
  • To enhance employment, attract small, medium and large scale industry; promote enterprise, tourism, and local innovation, arts, craft and creativity. 
  • To value by our actions, policies and in resources provision people of all ages and backgrounds equally in our community.


Based on the goals outlined in the previous section, our group have identified a number of specific objectives through which we aim to make our goals concrete. Some of these objectives can be achieved in the short term (e.g. tourist walking routes). Others are longer term (streetscape, restoration of historical sites) and will require longer time, by engagement and partnership with the County Council, OPW, Heritage Council and the business community.

Our specific objectives fall into the following categories:
Objective 1: Town Plan
  • Town Streetscape – design, layout, composition and visual aspects 
  • Traffic and Parking 
Objective 2: Environment & Heritage 
  • Environment – Linear Park, Flood plain, Conservation, walking routes. 
  • Heritage – historical sites 
  • Cultural – Arts, Crafts, Pottery 
  • Tourism and Employment 
Objective 3: Community Services
  • Education and Health – School, Health Centre, Family Support 
  • Amenities – youth, sporting, social, retirement 

A number of important areas for conservation and retention can readily be identified including: 
  • The Owenabue river, its floodplain and natural habitat along its banks 
  • The Mill Race intimately associated with the river 
  • The Ballea road greenbelt west towards Ballygarvan, and its characteristic bridges 
  • The Captains boreen 
  • The Village character of Carrigaline, with its traditional shopfronts and buildings, specifically inappropriate are high rise developments, multi-story/underground carparks as seen elsewhere in Cork. 
  • The pottery site and the tradition of pottery and crafts 
  • Walking routes (identified below) and important historical sites 
  • Heron roundabout, band hall and other significant buildings. 
  • Landmasses specifically zoned for Open spaces, Sports and recreational and amenity (CEALAP Sept 2005) objectives O-01 to O-05

1 comment:

  1. It’s fantastic to see the Carrigaline community putting forward a voice on how the town should be developed and getting as many people involved as possible. Just a suggestion:

    As mentioned there’s a good few empty premises in the town vicinity while proposals are put forward for a resource centre and pottery and crafts outlet centre. As opposed to having empty properties couldn’t the Community Association locate these facilities initially in these empty spaces? Alternatively could they not help local initiatives e.g. artists, small traders etc. to rent out these buildings at a low cost. This would be similar to the Creative Limerick initiative whereby Limerick City Council helped gradates rent out vacant commercial space in main street shops to display their work. The scheme helped both gradates but also facilitated property owners by encouraging usuable commercial space which they could take back in the event of a business opportunity arising. Very importantly as well it helped create a more vibrant atmosphere in the commercial heart of the city. This initiative could be done on a small scale to revitalise the Carrigaline area and encourage more diverse local business opportuinities.

